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What These 4 Content Creators Can Teach Us About Video Marketing in 2023

This might just sound like an excuse to turn endless scrolling on social media into “research for work”, but we promise there’s plenty to learn about video marketing from content creators if you just scroll hard enough. 🙃

Video marketing is always evolving, and with short form and episodic content very much IN in 2023, there’s lots to learn from those that are nailing the content game. 

Here’s 4 content creators that are providing great examples of the latest trends in video content that brands can learn from.

1) Camping with Steve

Platform: YouTube


Stats (as of Jan 2023): 1.2 million YouTube subscribers

Steve’s cult status camping videos follow the same format every episode: 

Packing for the camping trip. 


Setting up. 

Cracking open a “Step Two” beverage (every camper knows this is the first thing you do once you’ve got everything set up. Or if you’re me, during). 

Cooking a meal. 


Waking up. 

Packing down the campsite. 

Thanking beer donation supporters. 


It sounds like a repetitive and simple structure for his weekly videos. But that’s the point. The audience knows exactly what to expect, just like an episode of your favourite TV show. 


Every video follows the same format which allows the audience to trust that the video will deliver the same experience each time. The nuances, mishaps, and deviations from the familiar structure provide elements of surprise and interest without having to orchestrate them.


Takeaway: Variation is not (always) king. Create episodic content that is familiar and predictable (aka trustworthy). Teach your audience how to consume your content and what to expect. This also provides a reliable framework that makes the production process more streamlined and efficient. 


2) Jampikelets

Platform: TikTok and Instagram


Stats (as of Jan 2023): 280k TikTok followers, 24.8mil likes

This aussie bloke has blown up insta and TikTok with his short form comedy about married life and parenthood. Short form video content is going to dominate in 2023, and Jampikelets is a great example of how to do this well.


Each video looks identical with the same cover photo, text placement, costume design (a white tea towel for when he’s playing his wife), lighting, editing style and format. 


When you see one of his videos in your feed you instantly know what to expect. And then when he delivers on that expectation, you get some of that sweet sweet dopamine that bonds you to his style of content even more.


And when someone first discovers him they’ll have a back catalogue of content they can instantly consume. Volume + consistency = reliable, binge-worthy entertainment. 


Takeaway: Nail your *super* short form content in 2023. Whether it’s marketing tips, comedy sketches, CEO words of wisdom, day-in-the-life-of content, or office dog POV’s, start a series of content that is less than 10 seconds. Bonus points if it’s entertaining.

And make sure each video LOOKS the same or follows the same format. Again, it’s about visual familiarity here. Brainstorm all your content ideas and film them all in advance, or develop a simple filming set up that can be used for fast response content. 


3) Xo, Macenna

Platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest

Link: Main Channel and Vlog Channel

Stats (as of Jan 2023): 882k Main Channel subscribers, 212k Vlog Channel subscribers

If you’re a fan of DIY and house decor, you’ve probably already heard of Xo, Macenna. Macenna nails having two YouTube channels for distinct purposes: one is where she releases regular house renovation or DIY videos each week, and another informal vlog channel that shows behind the scenes, daily life, and engaging with subscribers. 


We know what you’re thinking. TWO YouTube channels?

Most of us are struggling to manage ONE channel. 


The real value here is in the separation of content. Whether you create two separate channels or just two separate series, diversifying your content like this allows one stream to feed the other.


It’s also a great lesson in creating content for different purposes and different audiences. Vlog style “behind the scenes” content is great for nurturing your existing audience. Episodic content is great for attracting new followers or subscribers. 


In a corporate context, episodic content could look like releasing a weekly interview series (filmed in advance to provide a consistent aesthetic) about the state of your industry with special guests and thought leaders. Or an educational video content series covering topics your audience are dying to know about.


Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to show more behind the scenes content of your brand! Have your more formal, structured content released like episodes of a TV show, but also create secondary content streams showing 'the making of', or the BTS process. 


4) Hi Josh

Platform: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube


Stats (as of Jan 2023): 123k Instagram Followers, 653k TikTok followers and 15.5mil likes

Hi Josh is an Aussie content creator known for his hilarious characters, antics, and silly costumes. 


One of his first viral videos (featuring Keyy Productions Co-Director, Rhys) saw him translate regular words into Aussie slang, and since then he’s continued to evolve his content creation into his signature brand of silly, family-friendly entertainment.  

Hi Josh follows many of the principles mentioned above. He has multiple content series he regular revists (like his annual Bachie recaps and bad lip readings), short form fast-response content, and probably some of the best examples of creative sponsored content. 

Hi Josh is predictably unpredictable. While there is lots of variation in the type of videos he posts, his audience knows they can expect his same brand of entertainment each time. 


Takeaway: People are turning to social media to be entertained. It used to be TV stations that would provide us with nightly LOLs and inspiration, but now many people (especially those under the age of 30) are consuming content in replace of traditional entertainment media. Be funny. Entertain. Don’t let your brand take itself too seriously. 


Keyy takeaways from content creators

People like predictability.

When an audience knows what to expect from your content it builds trust and reliability that your content will deliver what they want.

So instead of trying to do everything, find your style of content and deliver it consistently in 2023. 

  • Develop a series and release an “episode” at the same time each week.
  • Start your videos with the same catch phrase.
  • Create a consistent visual style.
  • Decide what you want to be known for.
  • Become a reliable source of entertainment or inspiration.


Happy content creating! 

Keyy Productions Team

Published by
Keyy Productions Team

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